Garri is mainly eaten as a fufu or soaked in water and eaten as a porridge. Never have we considered making cookies out of garri. Saturday morning, lounging in bed with a nicely brewed cup of tea and some English cookies and this idea pops up . I imagined the taste of garri and groundnut in the mouth and knew instantly that this creation will rock it….some thought on a Saturday morning:) . But just garri and groundnut was going to be quite bleh, so I thought to spice things up a bit. Suya pepper( Yaji) will do it and with some sugar, another Nigerian culinary waooh was bornn ( dancing Etighi)
I knowsome of us have found ourselves sneaking 1 or 2 cups of garri and some groundnut in our suitcases when travelling outside Nigeria, just to have something “sensible” to eat when all will get is raw vegetables…aka..salad . Garri and groundnut just reminds Nigerians of home. How about taking your two favourite food items in such future trips in a more appealing way * wink * wink. I can hear some say its not like ‘soaking’ the real thing, yeah yeah, but it will help.
So I head to the kitchen and 30 minutes later some nice crunchy and spicy cookies emerge, and the house hold is crunching away.
I just love them cookies, that crunchiness, coupled with the spiciness of the Suya pepper, I am pleased with this one and you will be also. It’s the simplicity of the ingredients for the cookies that just excites me. Try these out and crunch away……
How to make Garri and Groundnut cookies?
1/2 cup white Ijebu Garri (tangy type)
Half cup crushed Groundnuts
4 cubes Sugar or 4 table spoons honey
3/4 cup Water
1 teaspoon Suya pepper
1, Crush the groundnut into small pieces but not powdery
2,Mix all the dry ingredients together
3,Dissolve the sugar in the water
4,Pour the sugar water into the garri mix
5, Using your hands knead the garri mix to form a smooth dough. Almost like it’s for swallowing.
6,Place the dough in a transparent cellophane and roll out with a rolling pin. Make sure dough is rolled out thin to have that crunchiness when baked
7, Use a small goblet or cookie cutter and cut dough into circular shapes
8,Place on baking tray and bake for about 25 – 30minutes or until brown and crispy.
looks delish.
I bet I’ll have to try this
your ideas are out of this world? what planet are you from? wow! clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap!!!
Hi, Gloria, thanks for the kind words.
Interesting recipe,something i would love to try out dis weekend.but one quick question,must it b Ijebu garri?can i use any other garri?cos gettin Ijebu garri where i stay is quite difficult.Thanks.
wow! really creative. thanks
Man I started making a rum cake before I came here. I’ll make it tomorrow, thank you for the recipe
Hi, I’ve been silently following this blog and I love everything about it. I especially love your recipes on cookies but I have just one problem, though I love cooking, I’m a student, therefore, I don’t have an oven. I usually improvise to bake cakes but I don’t know how to do that for cookies please do you know an alternative? . Secondly please would you be so kind to elaborate more on portions, caloric content of nigerian foods and how to eat right, it would be great if that will be a full piece so you can give us details. Keep up the good work you are doing, you are really touching a lot of people without knowing.
Hi, Ccrumptious,
Thanks so much for your comment and for following this blog. I am working on the portions and calorific values. I hope in future to up scale the information on this site. Thanks a lot.
I really admire how you just come up with new recipes. Keep it up
Hi Jenny. Thank you.
this wow!!
Hi Ma,
Please could you help with a recipe for suya pepper?
I just tried this tonight, I must say it was tasty & delicious. The suya pepper gave it a nice taste.
keep up the good work
haaaa mummy! the mummy! the authentic food inventor! This is nice and I hope to try it out maybe tonight. God bless you for all your sharing. Happy belated Mother’s day.
Hi Chinolls. Thanks for following my blog.
Wow! Just wow! This is simply amazing! Who would have thought to use garri in a different way other than the traditional method? You’re simply amazing! I’ll have to try this. Do you have any ideas for those allergic to groundnuts?
Hi Tope. You may wish to try some other nuts like cashew or almonds. But then you may wish to jazz things up with cinnamon, as these nuts I have mentioned have very subtle flavours.
I am admiring your ingenuity with food. Going through your blog is really inspiring and i pray God bless your good work.
Hello Cheeoorr. Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate your following my blog
wow never believe i could make something so simple and easy. surely will try it
Hello Glory. Yes the garri groundnut cookies is quite interesting.
You are oustounishing. I would try this u are the bomb you made my day