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Avocado Suya Boat

When I am tired to cook , I fall back on Avocado Suya Boat. If you you have tried drinking garri with suya or avocado then you will understand.

Last week Friday with the frenzy of the 2015 presidential elections eve in Nigeria, I was too exhausted to put a pot on the  stove. The stress of perpetual traffic caused by campaign groups, coupled with me trying to pick up some ingredients for the weekend shoot, burnt me  out.  Yes, even foodies do sometimes just want to sit back and do nothing but just watch a nice program on TV, read a book or magazine, just exhale and regain energy. So this is when my Avocado Suya Boat comes in handy.

If there is something my fridge does not lack at any point in time, it’s fruits. So tucked in the corner of the fridge was avocado pear . And I had picked up some Suya on my way home from work. The plan was actually to soak garri with the Suya. But on getting home I was too exhausted to even soak garri. I sat on my kitchen dining table cut up pieces of the avocado, scooped some garri into my mouth and bit into the Suya. The taste, the texture of this combo was just something else.

I ended up not soaking the garri. I finished this simple Garri and Suya in Avocado Boat meal with a glass of water. Thus ending my Friday night with a comfortably full tummy and a smile on my face. You know that smile of a foodie when you know you have created something exciting.

I have just found that there quite a number of people you do not particularly like avocado pear, maybe it’s the soft texture or taste. Trust me after this combo with Avocado Suya Boat  you will change your mind. Enjoy!


How to make Avocad Suya Boat

Avocado Suya Boat

Avocado Suya Boat

 Avocado Suya Boat

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