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Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie

The convenience of a smoothie like Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie, as a great source of nutrition on the go is so amazing. Sometimes I think that smoothies are a lazy eater’s way of ensuring that they get in as much nutrients as possible in a glass without having to seat down to a meal. The domestic blender seems to do the job of ‘chewing’ and all you do is swallow. But is this not taking you back to when you were a baby? Maybe, but let’s face it in our today’s world of fast paced everything, smoothies play a great role in helping us stay healthy whilst keeping up with other things that seem to take our attention and time.

Not to say that we should have Egusi soup and Eba smoothie I think that will be taking away from the enjoyment of a swallow and soup…moulding the swallow, dipping in the soup, picking up the fish, and other meats and chewing in between. Well I never dismiss anything, we might just get to that point when everything will be puréed as a meal.

In the meantime let’s just enjoy my today’s offering Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie.

I had a glass of this smoothie as breakfast and it kept me full till late lunch, the nuts and the banana have a way of filling one up. I decided to use almond milk because it has less calories than dairy milk. If you do not find ready packaged almond milk, you can make your almond milk. Simply grind almond nuts add water and squeeze out the milk with a muslin cloth. Ground nuts are also great alternative to the almond but these have more calories than almonds. If you are using ground nut paste or powder use water in place of the milk.

Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie (3)

You can also do a variation of this smoothie with just banana and full cream milk. This is great for people looking to put on some weight.  This smoothie works well for our Muslim friends who may want to break the fast with something not too heavy. A well-chilled small glass of one of these smoothie provide interesting options.

Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie (2)



Recipe for Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie  


2 Bananas

2 table spoons ground almond

11/2 cups  almond milk

6-8 pieces Straw berry



  1. Peel the banana, chop into pieces and blend with ground almond and almond milk
  2. Blend the strawberry separately.
  3. Pour the banana almond mixture into a glass, mix in the strawberry to form some pattern in the mixture.
  4. Serve chilled. You may notice that the smoothie turns brown even if you sprinkle on some lemon juice, this is the nature of banana and it’s nothing to worry about.

Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie (1)

Banana Almond Strawberry Smoothie

Tip: You may want to cut up the banana and chill immediately after chopping up because banana browns quickly. To prevent the rapid browning sprinkle some lemon or lime juice over the banana.

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  • I tried this today but I used coconut milk in place of d almond milk as I don’t av almond milk readily available and guess what ??? So yummy . Everybody in the house wants more more more . Tnk u ma ,I appreciate ur wrk, av learnt so much & still learning. God bless ur hand wrk Ma. Lol.

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