All Recipes Potato recipes

Buttered Potato Cake

.Buttered Potato Cake is a major dish that will be served at my Christmas table this holiday. Because I love potatoes having the cake makes eating potatoes more interesting. So the crunchiness of the outside and the buttery taste brings exciting dimensions to this dish. Potato is always my go to vegetable when new yam is in season. Usually yams are bland during this season but Irish  potatoes seem to be tasty even when freshly harvested. Buttered Potato Cake which is what I am making today will be liked by all members of the family. It can be eaten on its own or paired with grilled chicken.

The last time I visited Jos in Plateau state of Nigeria, I found potatoes every where I turned. They are made into pottage or simply boiled and eaten with sauces. The people from Jos also eat lots of Acha (fonio). Acha is a cereal noted for its excellent nutritional properties. There are many Nigerian dishes that can be made using Acha.  The most popular dish from Jos is called guaten acha. I have also made other interesting dishes with acha like the breakfast porridge. Without further ado, enjoy my simple recipe of Buttered Potato Cake.


Recipe Buttered Potato Cake

3-4 Potatoes

1/2 table spoon Parmesan Cheese

1 table spoon butter

Pinch of dry Pepper

salt to taste( if using salted butter you may not need this)


Method for making Buttered Potato Cake

Firstly, wash, peel and boil the potato till cooked. But monitor carefully to be sure potatoes are firmly cooked.When it is too soft grating will be difficult

Grate the boiled potatoes and set aside.

Season your potatoes with salt, cheese, pepper and butter. Mold into shape. I used a burger mold but your hand will do.

Heat a non stick pan or regular frying pan and gently place the potato cake  in the pan with out oil and allow to fry.

When potato browns a bit on both sides, take out of the pan and place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Finally, serve your potato cake with grilled chicken and some vegetables.

Potato Cake

Grated potato

combine grated potato cake

potato cake recipe

Potato cake and chicken

About the author



  • This is really nice, I’m so trying it out before xmas to perfect my skills. But what did you use to roll it into that shape before frying? Please share. I’m in love with your blog. It’s really helping me plan my family meal. God Bless you real good.

    • Hello Eudora. Thank you for coming through my blog. I used a beef burger mold for the shape but you can mould with your hands and it will be fine also.I wish you well as you experiment. Have a very merry Christmas

  • Wow. This is the first time I am leaving a comment on your post ma,but know that I follow you, and I absolutely love your posts. Will definitely try this out When I lay my hands on some potatoes. 3 questions please
    1) will this recipe do good If sweet potatoes are used instead?
    2) can I use margarine (like topper,rima ) instead of butter ?(quite expensive)
    3)how Did you get those beautiful concentric circles please?
    Good work. Please keep it up for the sake of mere mortals like me

    • Hello Stella. Thanks for finally leaving some comments. I have not tried with sweet potatoes but I dont see any reason why it will not work. You can use margarine but the taste will not be same.
      I used a burger mold for the cakes but just patting with your hands will be fine also. Have a merry Christmas.

  • Wow you make me really excited to try new stuff you are so creative with food! Every dish you make is fantastic. Right now I use a camp gas so I love that I don’t need an oven to try most of your dishes. Thank you for inspiring me?

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