Nigerian Soups Soup Recipes

How to cook Obe Ishapa

Vegetable soups like Obe Ishapa become common menu items during the rainy season .The unbearable humid heat in Lagos suddenly subsided during this week thanks to the rains that came down in torrents. And I overslept last night and left for work later than I usually would. No regrets however, this body could do with some additional hours of sleep.

The rainy season has come and some foods are typical of this season. Soon fresh vegetables will be everywhere and cheaper too. The other day, you should have seen the water leaves I bought for 300 Naira to cook Afang. I tried to bargain to pay 250 naira and the woman just ‘ posted’ me and continued cutting the Ugu she was cutting. You know when even your regular customer decides to ignore you when you have overstepped your bounds in negotiation, you simply bow to her demand.

This lady cannot do shakara for me now that the rains are here. Indeed, she will even be pleading with me to buy her vegetables as they will rut if not sold off quickly. This is the time to boost your iron levels. More Edikang Ikong, more Eforiro, more Otong soups and so on.

Still in the mood of the current weather, the Egbas of Abeokuta,the Ijeshas and generally the Yorubas should be looking forward to fresh addition to their soup list during this season and that is Obe Ishapa . This is simply Egusi soup cooked with fresh white zobo flower.

I could not lay my hand on the fresh Ishapa so I used the dry ones which is simply the white version of zobo flower . The vitamin C and antioxidants in this flower is so beneficial to the body. Something tells me that the original idea of using Ishapa for this soup was for to give the impression of meats or fish in the soup as the Ishapa is a bit chewy. Typically Ishapa soup is paired with pounded yam and this was exactly what I did.

Enjoy the life!


Recipe for Obe Ishapa


1 cup Egusi (roasted and ground)

2 small size smoked Fish

10 pieces smoked Shrimps

2 cooking spoons ground Tomato/Pepper/Onion blend

1/2 cup previously soaked Ishapa (white zobo flowers)

1 teaspoon Iru

1 small onion

1-2 Scotch Bonnet Pepper

Seasoning cubes to taste

2 cooking spoons Palm Oil

Salt to taste

Obe Ishapa (3)


  1. Wash and soak the Ishapa in hot water for about 10 minutes. Pour out the water and repeat the soaking of the Ishapa. Take out the Ishapa and rinse to further remove the tangy taste. Continue to taste to make sure the leaves are not tangy. Strain the Ishapa and set aside
  2. Wash, dry roast and blend the Egusi. Place in a mortar and add slice of half the onion and the fresh pepper and pound till the  Egusi. comes together. Set aside. You may want to use a food processor or blender to do this. It is more difficult to carry out this process in a regular blender.
  1. Heat the oil, slice the remaining half onion and fry for about 2 minutes. Add the tomato/ pepper/ onion blend and fry for 5 minutes. Stir at intervals to avoid egusi burning. Add the dressed shrimps, iru and crayfish powder and fry for 2 minutes.
  2. Add 1 1/2 cups of water to the pot, add the washed smoked fish and bring to boil.
  3. Cut the Egusi in small lumps and add to the pot, reduce the heat and cook for about 5 minutes. Do not stir whilst the Egusi is boiling. The egusi will come out in lumps. Taste and correct the seasoning and salt.
  4. Lastly add the Ishapa and gently stir the soup.Cook for about 5 minutes.
  5. Serve with pounded yam or and swallow of choice.

Obe Ishapa (2) Obe Ishapa (1) Obe Ishapa (4) Obe Ishapa (6) Obe Ishapa (7)

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  • I really didn’t know the yourba people also eat dis soup, you are right my mom used to say the ashuwe ( white zobo) is meant to serve as meat when there is non lol..
    its a topical raining season soup in benue state, cooked with egusi or groundnuts or sesame seeds all cooked as you would cook egusi.

  • Hello Elizabeth .Like I always say our foods are quite similar in Nigeria . It’s the way we cook it that differs. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  • Here you go again. Thank you. The soup determines the desire to eat well. My friends are excited so a BIG thanks to you.
    Warm regards

  • auny sometimes ago you promised me you would soon on youtube, & i also asked if you have a culinary institute which you said no to, but now i want to suggest y dont you run a seasonal culinary lessons, am seeing it as something that will workout if you deeply give it a chance bks making it seasonal will enable you to get things well prepared , moreso it will make your lesson a unique one & special believe me

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