All Recipes breakfast recipes egg recipes Plantain Recipes

Dodo and Sausage Mede Mede

Saturday breakfast for most people working in cities is none existent or at best it’s bread and a hot beverage or we settle for some pastries at work. We simply don’t have time to make anything complicated during the week , so we try to make up for this by having that extra special breakfast at weekends. Dodo in whatever form is interesting. When combined with eggs all in the same pot it makes it even extra special. This is simple Nigerian Dodo fritatta.
This complete breakfast , all in one frying pan is what can turn an ordinary Saturday morning into a very special moment with the family or friends or indeed if you are having breakfast alone. After a hectic week, Saturday is a day you should treat your self to something special . So go ahead pick up your ingredients on Friday and enjoy a morning of leisure with our Dodo Sausage Medede…hmmm I just created this dish name which just means decadence. Don’t we need it sometimes 🙂


Recipe for Dodo Sausage Medemede

2 Ripe Plantains
5 Beef Sausages
2 strips of Bacon ( chopped , this is optional)
6 eggs
1/2 medium size Onion
1/4 cup red and green  Bell Peppers( cubed)
2 cooking spoons vegetable oil
Basil leaves or Curry leaves
Pinch thyme
Pinch white Pepper
Dry pepper to taste
Chicken seasoning to taste

1, Cut plantains into small cylinders and fry till golden brown and set aside
2, Steam sausage till cooked and cut into cylinders , same height as the plantain.
3, Beat the eggs, add the spices, oil, seasoning, pepper, half of the diced vegetables and bacon.
4, Oil the base of the frying pan , arrange the dodo, sausages at the base and sprinkle half of the vegetable in between the sausage and dodo at the base
5, Pour on the egg mixture , ensuring even distribution of the mixture. This should come up to about 3/4 the height of the dodo and sausage. You want the dodo and sausages to peep through the eggs when the mixture is cooked.
6, Bake in oven for about 15- 20 minutes or until the egg is set. Serve warm

Cooking tip: If you don’t have a baking pan that can get into the oven, simply use a medium size frying pan and cook on medium heat over the burner. When the base is set , turn onto a bigger frying pan to cook the top part well.

Dodo and Egg


plantain and egg


Dodo and Egg


Dodo and Egg


Dodo and Egg


Dodo and Egg


Dodo and Egg


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