Corn Recipes

Ekoki (Steamed Corn Pudding)

Ekoki is another dish that you can make from fresh corn. Sometimes you are looking for variety of things to do with corn particularly when you have bought some good quantity as you found them cheap.You have boiled or even roasted at home so what next.
I remember  my childhood with fund memories of eating hot Ekoki placed on enamel trays with all the children gathered round the trays and eating with our hands. For some reason my mum always served it for dinner. Well with the laborious way with which it was prepared there was no way it could have been ready for lunch. You had to separate the corn kernels one by one by hand from the cub, pound, then proceed to mix the other ingredients before wrapping.Hmm was this intentional to keep us the children busy?

I have found faster ways of doing this and still enjoy my Ekoki on rainy days. This is not to say it has to rain for you to eat this dish.
Freshly cut corn makes a whole lot of difference to this dish as the outcome is tastier. The sugar level in corn reduces the longer you keep it out after cutting from the farm.
When freshly cut corn is frozen immediately it retains this sweetness.
My twist to this dish is the addition of some vegetables, Ugu  making it even a more interesting and nutritious meal. Traditionally some people dont add ugu. Wrapping the Ekoki in cylinderical shapes makes it cook fast. But wrapping in the moi moi shape is also an option.

Nutri tip: Corn is always seen as a good source of carbohydrate only. Corn also has antioxidant benefits, preventing damage to body cells.Corn is a good source of vitamin C as well as the mineral manganese. For this corn dish, you will have the benefit of fibre also from the corn and the vegetable.

Recipe for Ekoki?

4 Corn cub (ground)
1 Mackerel Fish ( steamed and flaked)
1 cup Fresh Shrimp (Diced)
2 cooking spoons Tomato/ Pepper mixture(ground)
1 medium size onion( chopped)
Handful  Ugwu ( chopped)optional
1cooking spoon Palm oil
2 seasoning cubes
2 cooking spoons Water
Salt to taste
Banana leaves for wrapping.

1, Peel corn, using knife slice off the kernel from cub and blend with little water. No need to make the paste too smooth.
2, Heat up oil, fry the onion, tomato/pepper,fish and shrimp.
3, Add seasoning and salt to taste
4, Add the ‘stew’ to the corn paste and mix well
5, Add the vegetable and mix
6, Add water and taste to further correct seasoning. Adjust water  depending on how mature the corn is.
7,Wrap mixture in banana leaves and steam , just like Moin Moin
8 , Serve hot with pepper sauce( optional)

Cooking tip: If using banana leaves it is advisable to dip it in hot water before use to make it easier to handle. You can also use Moin Moin leaves or foil paper to wrap.

fresh corn in Nigeria


Making corn pudding


adding ugwu to ekoki


ekoki mix before steaming

ekoki corn pudding nigerian food



About the author



  • This is what we call moi moi oka. Seeing all the pictures, I am already salivating and craving for a share of what I’m seeing. Interesting. Surely will give it a trail. Thanks for bringing all these memories back.

  • I remember loving ekoki when I was a kid in Calabar. I got the recipe from my mum and I decided to make it but it was not solid like how I remembered so I did not really enjoy it. My mum said maybe it is because the corn sold in American grocery stores are not mature enough, they are really soft. My friend also had the same experience. I made a second attempt without adding water and I still got the same result. Any suggestions on how to make my ekoki solid?

  • Thank you so much for the recipe. Actually tried it but got the same result as Affiong. It turned out to not be solid after steaming for almost 2 hours. But I learned a few tricks I will use for when I make moin moin so thank you all the same!

    • Hi, Adanne. I suspect it is the starch content of the corn. You know foods in Nigeria are really organic so the corn meal binds well together. Glad you at least took something out of the recipe. Thanks .

      • Now that you mention corn meal, I will look out for powdered corn meal to see if this will work. Just like they have moin-moin powder. Will keep you posted so you can provide a recipe alternative for your readers who are not based in Nigeria.

  • After seeing this recipe and salivating like no man’s business, i decided to give it a try. Epic fail! It was soggy and didn’t have the moin moin consistency. I had added water though. So i decided to give it another try but this time omitting the water….same result! My hubby said the corn here in the US is too soft and maybe i should try and add a bit of cornmeal (that man is a food genius and cooks better than me) and that is what i’m gonna do. Thanks for this lovely recipe. Where i come from, we call it ekpo oka and i have nostalgic feelings of my grandma making this delicious meal. Makes me wanna go see her in the village right now. I have pictures of the second corn pudding i cooked.

  • Hi Sarah. I have received similar comments from other ladies leaving in Europe and US about the result of Ekoki using the corn out there. I am traveling to north America soon and will see if I can find you guys a solution using the corn out there. I believe it is about the starch content.

    • Please help us solve this mystery because I am dying to eat ekoki and I will follow your recipe excluding the veggies. I will advise the other ladies against adding/using corn meal because that would be making corn pudding casserole (which I love) and not ekoki. One of my friends suggested I should try using roasted corn which can be found at most Hispanic stores (I am in Florida and there is a very big Hispanic community in different parts of Florida). Making ekoki in America is turning out to be a mission impossible lol

  • Nw i Ω̴̩̩̩̥☺ hw to make ekoki ​: .*•.¸( *•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*.
    «´¨`°•.◦ †нªηк’s ◦.•°´¨`» alot

  • I tried using corn meal, it sort of worked in that it was not soggy but blending it didn’t make it powdery so after it was cooked it was still grainy. Maybe I should have soaked it in boiling hot water to soften it before blending.

  • Just finished eating dis thou witout d vegetable, it was delicious, wil try it wit vegetable next time. Thanks for sharing.

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