All Recipes Fish Recipes Homemade Plantain Recipes

Fish Plantain Cake

It was World Health Day last week and the focus was on food. This got me looking at Fish Plantain Cake for children lunch boxes. I have been looking at lunch boxes of kids and I get worried when I see the amount of processed sugars our kids consume every week. Their lunch boxes are filled with biscuits and fizzy drinks. I think it makes sense to increase the consumption of healthier carbs and some fruits and vegetables to prevent future health issues as the kids grow up. Mums let’s work at this. My Fish Plantain Cake is one great idea for kids and adults too.

For adults, the story is not much different as many offices or work places do not have cafeterias and so many people need to take food to work or eat pastry snacks at work. I will always recommend taking your own food to work but this is not always convenient if you live in a busy city. Packing lunch to work needs some planning and consideration for convenience and nutrition. The other consideration will be that of not possibly requiring warming at work which is why most of us will go for Sandwiches.

My offering today is one that will make taking lunch to work interesting. Whilst you can use any fish, I used croaker in this case. Something else I brought to this fish is White Zobo flower which is called Ishapa. Some Yoruba tribes use it for cooking Egusi soup. The Ishapa brings some ‘meaty’ element to each bite of the cake as well as that lemony tangy taste. With the use of dry ginger, dry pepper, and parsley, the flavor of this cake is simply awesome.

The Fish Cakes are so flavorful that the pickiest eater will find it difficult to resist. Go for these cakes and Enjoy the Life!


Recipe for Fish Plantain Cake


1 cup Steamed Fish flakes

1 medium size ripe Plantain

3/4 cup Bread crumbs

1 Egg

One teaspoon dry Ginger

1 teaspoon dry Pepper

2 tablespoons chopped White Zobo leaves (Ishapa) (optional)

1/4 cup chopped Parsley

Seasoning cube to taste

Salt to taste



  1. Season the fish with pepper, some ginger and salt and steam on low heat till cooked and allow to cool. As soon as the fish is cooked add the washed Zobo flower to the fish pot to soften in the hot fish stock and bring some tanginess to the fish. Allow fish to cool and flake and set aside. Chop the Zobo flower and also set aside.
  2. Peel and boil the plantain till soft and mash.
  3. Mix the plantain, fish, zobo flower, some ginger powder.
  4. Chop the parsley and add to the fish mixture.
  5. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt and a pinch of seasoning.
  6. Add a little dry pepper to the bread crumbs.
  7. Mold the fish cakes into circular shapes.
  8. Dip the cake into the egg and then the bread crumbs
  9. You can sprinkle the cakes with some sesame seeds or beniseed a as it’s known in the markets
  10. Heat a little oil and fry the fish to golden brown and crispy.
  11. Serve with pepper sauce or a salad.

Fish Plantain Cakes Fish Plantain Cake Fish Plantain Cakes Fish Plantain Cake Fish Plantain Cake Fish Plantain CakesFish Plantain Cakes Fish Ripe Cakes Fish Plantain Cake


Tip: Parsley are sold in most Shoprite outlets. 

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