Fish Recipes

Grilled Tilapia with Onion sauce

Grilled Tilapia

grilled tilapia with onion sauce

I love the way the flesh of Grilled Tilapia falls off the bone easily. Tilapia fish is abundant in the West Africa coastal area from  Cote d’ivoire to Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. Tilapia features prominently in our diet. Roadside fish grills are serving these fish dishes up hot, to hungry outdoor diners.
Buying the fish fresh from fish sellers gives a nicer finer end product. The flesh of the fish when cooked is soft and nice. Oh my goodness, my mouth is already watering as I dream of the end product.

Tilapia when cooked is a moist and delicate fish with mild and slightly sweet flavor which makes it very versatile with the kind of herbs and spices you can use. Ginger, partminger  ( curry leaves) or other herbs.
Tilapia is high in protein with moderate fat and therefore relatively low in calories, making it a healthy choice for supporting weight management or even as a food choice for a normal person

Recipe for Grilled Tilapia

2medium size whole Tilapia fish (dressed)
1medium size onion ( ground)
1 teaspoon chilli pepper
1 seasoning cube
1tablespoon ground Ginger( fresh or dried)
2 table spoons olive oil
Salt to taste

Make two slits on each side of the scaled and  cleaned Tilapia fish
Mix the onion,chilli,seasoning ,Ginger and salt
Rub the fish with the spice mix and wrap in kitchen foil and allow to stand for about 1 hr in the lowest part of the fridge.
Remove from fridge 30mins before grilling
Place in a baking tray and open the foil to reveal the fish. Sprinkle the oil.
Pop in the oven and bake for  about 20mins.
Turn on the and grill for another 10 minutes to get that brown charred look .

Serve with boiled and buttered Sweet Potatoes and onion sauce

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  • Curious…on what temperature to do you bake the fish at for the first 20mins? And when you say “Grill” for another 10mins could Broil also do the trick. I have a standard apt type oven but really want to make this. Thank you

    • Hi, Magaret. The fish was first baked at mark 425 on my oven to cook. The idea of the grill is to get that browning slightly burnt effect. I since switched to the local charcoal grill. This gives the smokey burnt flavor much better than the oven/grill. Again if you do not live where you can use the local grill, then the baking and grilling after, works well.

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