All Recipes Groundnut Recipes Snacks

How to make Boiled Groundnuts?

Boiled Groundnuts (4)
Fresh raw Groundnuts usually appear in the markets at the beginning of the rainy season somewhere from around May/June. Raw groundnuts have the benefit of being high in protein and potassium making it a very healthy snack.
I prefer to boil my groundnuts at home so I can control the salt level and add other flavours in the nuts. I can also determine the quality of water I use in cooking. Mostly, my main reason for sharing this recipe is help those that believe that it takes forever to cook ground nuts but quite on the contrary. Groundnuts cook very fast.
I decided in this recipe to take the flavour one notch higher by adding some ginger and cloves to the water for boiling the nuts. I perceived quite a strong aroma of the spices as the nut was boiling, but I am not so sure the flavour was retained in the nuts. It’s always good to try something new as you never know if this could be the winning formula. My salt level was right and the crunchiness was just the way I like it.

How to boil Groundnuts?

1. First of all, grate ginger (size of middle finger), crush 1 teaspoon cloves and add with 1 table spoon salt to about 1 1/2 litres of water.
2. Secondly, wash the nuts to remove all the mud and sand then start to select out the bad and immature nuts. You can then pour nuts into the water and boil.
3. Boil nuts for 10–12 minutes. Because I like my nuts a bit crunchy I find this duration just right.
4. Take the pot off the fire and allow the nuts to seat in the water for about 30-40 minutes before draining off the water. This allows the salt to permeate the nut properly.
5. Drain off the water and enjoy your nuts.


Boiled Groundnuts (1) Boiled Groundnuts (2) Boiled Groundnuts (3)

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  • This is interesting lol, you know why, I prefer to buy cooked and eat because Iv always thought it takes forever to cook. This method makes more economic sense ma (You know what I mean…..gas and my time). Thanks for sharing ma. God bless you.

  • I av always dislike buying cooked groundnuts cos dey r always too salty and too soft. Bcos I thot it takes long to cook I never bother abt it eventhough I love groundnuts so much. Nw with dis simple recipe dear aunty Iquo U av just opened a anoda new door for urs sincerely. So economical and fast.

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