Do you have palm oil stained bowls like this? All you need do is keep them out in the sun for 2/3hrs and they change back to clean white color you originally had.
Preventing Sticky Frying pan:
Freshly washed frying pans tend to cause foods to stick when frying.
To prevent this heat pan till very hot before adding oil. This way your food will not stick.
Time Saver Tip:
Planning to cook beans during the week? Get the children busy with picking out dirt ,days ahead.
Children will likely eat the final dish when they are part of the cooking process.
Tip for Fresh House fragrance:
Put Lemon grass in a pot and just bring to boil. The whole house is soon filled with fresh lemony fragrance.
Tip on Preventing Tomato Spillage:
When boiling your tomato /pepper mixture, add a little vegetable oil and it will not boil over and mess up your cooker.
Shopping Tip:
Making a shopping list before heading to the market or shop keeps you under control of your budget and needed ingredients for cooking.
Capsaicin is what makes pepper hot.
RUB OIL generously on your hands and the effect of the heat is much less when handling pepper.
Easy way to boil Plantain
Without peeling, wash , cut and boil plantain . Just peel skin and serve.This method helps to retain all the flavor and nutrients in your plantain.
Frying tip
You can minimize oil in your foods. Make it a habit to place fried foods on kitchen paper towel to take out some oil before serving.
You have excess washed bitter leaves? Spread this on a tray and leave in an air conditioned room. It dries very well without smelling stale. You can then use your bitter leaves dry
Get Rid of Onion smell on Hands
Over the Christmas holiday,I tried this method and it works! Wash hands with soap and rub front and back inside a clean sink. Smell disappears!
Do you throw away left over pounded yam or eba? You can enjoy your left over. Simply wrap the pounded yam in a cellophane or zip lock bag. Place in a Pyrex dish and warm in microwave oven. Enjoy
Do you want to keep weevils out of your beans? Buy wholesome beans, pour into a plastic jerry can, cover tightly and store in the freezer. Weevils cannot survive in the cold and the container prevents your beans getting wet
Do you want to de-scale your old aluminium kettles or pots. Drop handful of dried zobo flower into the pot or kettle full of water.Heat up for a few minute and allow to stand overnight.Rinse off in the morning and you have a clean pot free of scale deposits
How to make Banga Juice
Boil the palm kernels, pound, add warm water, squeeze out the juice and strain.
How to make Coconut Oil
It was so difficult to stop reading and learning from this fantastic site. Very educative and an inspiring site for all generations especially the working class. i have already forwarded the link to my children and friends and will try out a recipe this weekend. More Grace.
Hi,Tosin. I am humbled by your comments. It is gratifying to see that I am even touching generations. Thank you.
this is totally amazing, i want to try everything i have read all at once. the meals are so quick to prepare. thank you for sharing.
Hi, Barisi,
Just try one thing at a time ! Enjoy.
very nice
Hi Chima, thank you.
I lobe this site very educative and helpful thank you so much
Hi Bimbola. You are welcome.
Hi , Regina. Thank you.
Hello, this is very informative. I esp love your meal plans. lost interest when I didnt see plans for April and May. But I am back now and its for good. Thanks for sharing
Hi,Tolu. You are welcome back. You know the thing with meal plans is that it sometimes gets too familiar, so I needed a break to keep it exciting.
I just stumbled into this sight about a month ago and since then its been an everyday thing. Thumbs up! I have learnt a lot from you.
Please is it just Feb, Mar and Jun meal menu you have? What of the rest of the year?
i stumbled on your sight,i am so so grateful!it is what i have been looking for i have been bored with food lately,Can you do something on fruits please.I just sent your site to my mum.Gosh not only is your cooking neat,the picture is am-ha-zinggg.Informative and innovative .Thanks ma
Hi Jedidiah, really excited about your feedback. Also sending website to mum…lol. I will try to do something on fruits. You may wish to follow on my face book page as I post tips on fruits from time to time.
wow! i will try the Zobo flower methods.
please i just want to say thank you for all u”ve done for all women out there. Nice work n God bless u.
Hello Faith. Thanks for your feedback.God bless you too.
Really wonderful and useful site, I appreciate the localizing of the content, keep it up God bless you
just seeing this.i love this
Interseting tips
Hi, Nneka. Thank you.
My first visit and I was stuck here for hours. Ended up realizing cooking is my passion.
Hello Emelda. Thanks for liking.
You are a wonderful woman! Ur wide range of experience in kitchen affairs is unparalleled. Thank you for sharing with us. I’ll never stop visiting this site.
Hi, Chioma. Thank you so much for the kind words.
Hello IQ
I bumped into your blog this morning while I was searching for some recipes I could try to make my meals more exciting and voila…I found your AMAZING blog!!!!! I’m sooooooooo inspired ma’am…GOD BLESS YOU!
Hello,Gifty. Thanks for the kind words.
Hi,Gifty. Thanks so much for the inspiring words.
Hi Iquo. I stumbled on your blog via facebook n i absolutely love it. Its so easy to understand and flow with your recipes, you are doing a great job. But i need help with a list of basic kitchen utensils/equipment i need to prepare and turn out the lovely dishes you put up. Will really appreciate it. Thank you n remain blessed.
Hello Ikwo. I will feature soon basic utensils you need to help you succeed in the kitchen. Please follow me on the blog so you are notified when new posts come on the blog.
Hello Ikwo. Basic utensils in the kitchen depends on your cooking style and the type of dishes you cook. But knives, chopping board, sieve, blenders, pots, kettle, wooden spoon, grater,
HI, Ma, i just stumbled on your blog and am impressed with what you are doing. I am a mother of 1,31 yrs old,5.7 inches tall with a body-weight of 58 kg. I consider myself underweight. Can you please recommend a meal plan for me to increase my body weight to 70 kg?
Hi, Chinwe. I am not sure you should be aiming for 70kg unless the doctor has advised on this. Yes 5.7inches is tall but go gradually. Do you eat late? this is one way to put on weight easily, this is because you are not likely to burn this off easily. Weigh your self regularly to be sure you don’t exceed the weight you desire. I will advise that you watch closely your weight as you can easily get overweight .
Nice! Loving dis blog day by day with ur interesting recipes, tips, etc. Please I need you to teach me, how to make a good chicken barbecue and d recipes. Thank you!
Hello Grace , thanks for following us on the blog.
Thanks so much for this great blog,its really helpful.
Hello Oluchi. Thanks for following my blog.
Hi Oluchi. Thanks for following my blog.
You inspire me greatly & make me look forward to spending time in my kitchen. I simply love your creativity. It’s fun being a foodie.
Hi, Chioma. I am happy I manage to get you to like cooking.
In very few minutes so many of my kitchen issues were resolved. Well done and thank you
Oh what a mouth-watering site, I came back from church, I decided to check my instagram and I remember that I don’t have any Nigerian food that am following, so I decide to search for one. And I saw 1qfoodplatter., I went through all and I wanted more. So I saw ur site address and open it wow! This site is really mouth-watering site. I love everything about it. I learn so much ven from kitchen tips. Well done ma. Please keep this up. From Gloria
Hello Gloria. Welcome to my world. I trust you will enjoy the ride with me.
Yes ma, I will
I Pledge To Keep To The Portions Set By My 1QFOODPLATTER Portion Plate
Aunty Iquo, i love this page, i love to cook, in short my passion is cooking which i want to turn it into a profitable business. However, my love for cooking has made me add considerable amount of weight that i really want to let off. but i want to use sensible meal plans that i can still eat instead of the unattainable ones brought one by every weight loss marketer making me want to loose my zeal for cooking and at the same time make me loose great business empowerment. can you help me with a sound but healthy food plan for me?
By the way, i am 5’10”, 42+ yrs and weigh 112kg currently. i will be glad if u can help! thanx
Helen Akpan
Hello Helen, thanks for contacting me. First you have to drastically reduce your food portion especially the carbs. You will have also drastically reduce your. Dinner or none at all for sometime, if you are not exercising it may be wise to start. A staircase in your house is a starting point. Hopefully you will cut out all soft drinks also. Lets try this few tips for now .
Now, let me be sincere, I do not have any prior idea about 5 of the things you shared and that Im just reading today, I gaped at most of them and I cant but help pray for you that God will continue to give you immense wisdom. I always enjoy your site. God bless you ma’am.
Hello Bunmi, Kind words you shared there. I appreciate
I love love love!!!!! Thank you soooo much especially for the foodpedia part. I never know how to recognize different leaves except spinach and Ugwu. I have been educated today and also I know what to have for dinner!!! Yay! God Bless