Fruits Sauces

How to make Purée Dates

Pureed Dates (1)

World Food Day…

I have pondered on what I can do in my little corner to help end hunger in the world and improve nutrition . I know it is okay for organizations to go to locations or camps where the less privilege live to donate food to them. Whilst this is good I believe helping these people to know how to grow simple foods could be more sustainable. Looking at foods like Date will improve our nutrition status. I am sharing with you how to make Puree Date.

When we grow this simple foods we are increasing the quantity of foods available to all. Using old plastic containers lying in our back yards we can grow simple vegetables. We can all agree that the farmers alone may not be able to satisfy all the hungry mouths waiting to be fed.

Do you still scrape out food into the dustbin? Maybe on this world food day we can reconsider reducing food wastage so that the poor around us can also have food to eat.

On a different level Sugar and the effect on the body system is a global concern.  Manufacturers are being forced to reduce sugar in their food products to help safeguard the health of the populace. Today I bring you a natural sweetener that is simple to make and keeps well in the fridge. Dates, also called ‘dabino’ in Hausa, is largely used during the fasting period or people just chew it as a snack with coconut. Dates are high in natural sugar and have other health benefits for the eyes and the digestive system.  Some people have also laid claims to some aphrodisiac properties *clears throat*.

Make some Puréed Dates and keep for use in your breakfast porridge, cereals, smoothies, drinks and other suitable dishes.

Pureed Dates (2)

How to make Date Puree?

  1. Wash and soak the dry dates for some hours until soft. If the dates are very dry you may want to boil a bit.
  2. Deseed the dates and blend the pulp. look out for the
  3. Store the purée in the fridge or freezer and use as desired.

Pureed Dates (4)


Pureed Dates (5)


Pureed Dates (3)

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1 Comment

  • Hmmmm…….. I live in the Middle East where dates are grown in large quantities and are all around me. I don’t eat much of it because I find it too sweet. But with this post, meeenn I’m gonna start making the puree and use in place of sugars. Thank you so much for this insight 1Q Platter.

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