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Puff Puff Sausage Sticks

Puff Puff Sausage Sticks (1)

The standard small chops plate at a regular Nigerian party will be Puff Puff, Mosa, chinchin, some chicken if you are lucky. I sat with a friend Trisha at such a party a couple of weeks ago and you should have seen how she pushed away the small chops plate as her eyes had scanned the content and it was the same old same. So I decided to convert a fried to embrace our Nigerian small chop, certainly if quality is considered.

I promised her that I will send a pack of small chops to her that will leave her wanting more. Trisha’s phone call after the pack was delivered was something else. She was wondering how come I have not opened a restaurant yet or indeed gone into a food service venture. My reaction to that was lets see ,who knows, *wink wink*. But let me share the recipe of one of the foods in the pack and that is Puff Puff Sausage sticks. The interesting thing about this small chop is that you enjoy some puff puff without over consuming the pastry. This is because the sausage takes over the centre of the puff puff. Besides the mix of the sweet pastry and savory sausage is so interesting. Let me stop here and get on with the recipe. Enjoy my offering.


Recipe for Puff Puff Sausage sticks (about 12 -14 sticks)


1 cup plain Flour

1 teaspoon Yeast

11/2 tablespoon Sugar

Pinch of Salt

1/2 teaspoon dry Pepper

1/2 teaspoon Ginger Powder

3/4 cup tepid warm water


Oil for frying



  1. Mix flour, yeast, sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl.
  2. Add the water to the dry ingredients and mix to a smooth paste. The temperature of the water should be warm enough to be handled by a baby.
  3. Cover the bowl with a kitchen napkin and leave in a warm place. The warmer the place the faster the paste will rise and double its size. Depending on the type and quality of the yeast, the paste will proof or rise within 30-45 minutes.
  4. Boil the sausages based on cooking instruction and allow to cool whilst the puff puff is proofing. Allow the sausages to cool completely. Cut into small cylinders. Stick sausages in a skewer and set aside.
  5. When dough has risen, add the ginger and dry pepper, mix well and pour paste into a tall cup.
  6. Heat the oil till hot.
  7. Dip the sausages into the puff puff paste and coat each sausage piece well and deep fry till brown. When puff puffs are frying swirl the skewers in the oil so the puff puff browns evenly.  Finally, drain off the fried product on kitchen paper in a colander.
  8. Serve Puff Puff Sausage sticks hot with a pepper dip or just on its own.

Puff Puff Sausage Sticks (5)

Puff Puff Sausage Sticks (4)


Puff Puff Sausage Sticks (3)

Puff Puff Sausage Sticks (2)

Watch the step by step video here:

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