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Spicy Potato Salad

I love the benefit of simplicity and  tasteful nature of Potato Salad. But first let me share my experience with shopping in the open Open markets in Nigeria and many West African countries is always a place I enjoy going to. It is hard for me to even understand how being in such a noisy and confused place can calm any one down but it does it for me.
Today I went for the simple shopping , just Potatotes , Eggs and some peppers in one of the neighborhood markets. The bargaining went like this
Potato seller : it is 200 Naira a heap ooh,
Me: can I pay  150 Naira?
Potato Seller: Pay 450 Naira for 3 heaps
I wondered to my self, have I not just asked to buy one heap for 150 Naira? Potato seller maintains her position, I pretend to want to walk away in the hope that I am called back to buy at my 150 Naira.
Potato seller calls me back and says ‘come and pay 170 Naira’.
I reluctantly go back and buy, saving 20 Naira. This is the art of bargaining.

You have to learn that art of trying to walk away. But trust me sometimes you are not called back so you have to humble your self and walk back.
On those trips to the market, I do try to completely dress down, flip flops, wrap a scarf carelessly on my head in the hope that I will have some real bargains but then I always forget that my smooth skin and quality of fabric and ‘polish accent’  is always a dead give away.
I will make do with my little savings and keep it moving. It was relaxing doing the bargaining.
So lets get started with todays’s recipe Spicy Potato salad which is  one more idea on your Christmas table or any other party time.

Recipe for Spicy Potato Salad 

8 pieces medium size Potatoes( boiled and peeled)
4 Eggs(  hard boiled)
1/2 medium size Onion( chopped)
2 pieces Shombo pepper( chopped)
1/4 cup crispy fried Bacon ( optional)
4 tablespoons Mayonnaise
1 cube chicken seasoning
Handful Parsley(chopped)
1 teaspoon black Pepper
Pinch of salt

1, Cut potatoes into medium size cubes, cut eggs into cubes
2, Mix the mayonnaise, parsley , black pepper and chicken seasoning to form the dressing
3, Mix the potatoes, egg, bacon ,shombo pepper,onion and pinch of salt
4, Using a fork, stirring in the dressing and using and  coat the salad well with the dressing .
5, Leave in the fridge and serve cold. You may want to sprinkle some black pepper on top before serving.


Spicy Potato Salad

Spicy Potato Salad


[otato Salad

Potato Salad

Potato Salad

Spicy Potato Salad

Potato Salad



Potato Salad

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