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Tiger-nut Pudding – Nigerian Dessert

Tiger-nut Pudding as a Nigerian dessert is a nice discovery. Traditionally, Nigerian culinary habit comprises the main dish and water or a drink ,and that’s it,period. At best you get a variety of main dishes at a party or ceremonial gatherings, like birthdays parties,weddings ,funerals etc. I must say a few up scale parties serve desserts. We generally, will do the 3 course menu thing, in hotels but not at home . Even in hotels , dessert range is mainly foreign , not even the humble fruit salad can Nigeria boast of as our own original offering. I have been experimenting with some locally found Nigerian foods to come with some exciting desserts  that can be easy served internationally. Tiger nut pudding is one of such discoveries.
My discovery was quite accidental . I was trying out a northern dish,Acha pottage ( acha is a cereal ) using Tiger nut milk as one of the ingredients … And bang Tiger nut pudding was born! I am so excited still ,even as I write this post. I am hoping to see this on Restaurant menus soon…Iqfoodplatter innovation..
Tiger nuts are said to be tubers with lots of health benefits ranging from good carbohydrates to protein, vitamin E and antioxidants. If you prefer to chew them and swallow the chaff ,then you also have benefit of fibre.Many of us are familiar with the milk which is such a tasty drink particularly when chilled.It is the milk that forms the base for the pudding.
You can get Tiger nut from Hausa traders in the open markets in Nigeria. The are sold on wheel barrows and measured in cups.
The texture of Tiger nut pudding is soft like pudding or mousse… Just melts in your mouth….Enjoy like I did.

Recipe for Tiger-nut Pudding 

1 cup Tiger nuts
11/2 cups water
5 whole dates (chopped)
1/4 cup Groundnuts(crushed)



tiger nut ofio



1, Pound the nuts in a mortar to crush them and therefore reduce  the stress on your kitchen blender. If you have a strong blender then blend straight without pounding first.

crushing ingredients
2, Blend pounded nuts with water
3, Sieve the blended nut to extract the milk

making tiger nut pudding
4, Pour milk into a pot , add the chopped dates and bring milk to boil
5, Stir milk as soon as it starts to heat up and continue stirring until cooked
6, Cooked product has consistency that looks like custard
7, Bring down pot stir in the groundnut,scoop into molds and chill
8 Serve cold with sprinkles of groundnuts

tiger nut pudding nigerian dessert


nigerian desserts tiger nut pudding


Tiget-nut Pudding

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