egg recipes Yam Recipes

Yam Strips in Omelette and Pepper Sauce

Call it a habit, call it faith but January is that time of the year we all seem to want to start out clean….. spiritual life, financial discipline, health discipline, time discipline ,the list is endless.
I have this habit of keeping a daily diary of things I like to thank God for so at the end of the year I can see  so many things I can count my blessings for …. I really had a lot for 2013, I guess you did too.
This year I plan to bring to you even more interesting Nigerian dishes  from different regions as well as look to other West African countries for ideas . But again I will always experiment on new and exciting ways of presenting the familiar  ones like Egusi soup,Edikang ikong soup,Jollof rice, Moin Moin and so on.
I know the interest my Moin Moin in cabbage leaves , Dodo Wengele, Cubed Eko in Etiyun created… You will see more of these.
As I promised when this blog started I will always in keep in mind the healthy angle to the dishes. on this healthy note let me digress a bit into the health arena.
We are not going to draw up a list of new year resolutions here but to help you through the year keep these few tips in mind. I find them practical and it has worked for me in terms of weight management and general well being.
1, Keep your portion size small. You may have  have to change to a smaller size plate 🙂 . With small portions you can actually bring variety to daily meals without being stuck with a boring diet that you will dump in two weeks time
2, For adults keep the Carbohydrate portions extra small and increase the vegetables. Protein sizes should be moderate as well. Include fruits in the diet but don’t make it a meal, they also carry carbohydrate and sugars.
3, Exercise as much as you can. I do this 3 times a week and the benefits are great for me. Weight gain comes when you do not burn off what you have eaten. Bedsides ,exercise keeps you active , agile and quick on your feet.
4, A couple of people have asked for special diets to loose weight. The thing is to start gradually and apply some common sense approach…. Drastically reduce your carbohydrate and fat intake when you start out.  When you have achieved your desired weight, my advise is to return to a more regular and sustainable family diet. Special diets are not sustainable.I will continue to help those that need this special attention when I know their lifestyle, age, medical status etc.
I will be delighted to read from you as you make successful steps in eating healthy and living healthy.
I wish you a Happy New Year.
Here is something simple I created to kick off the year with ….Yam strips in Omelette with Pepper sauce. Fresh twist to breakfast. Omelette is Bae because it just makes eating egg the more interesting

Yam strips in omelette

Onion slices
Seasoning to taste
Herbs of choice
Salt to taste

1, Peel your yam and cut into strips

2, Beat the eggs , add the spices and seasonings

3, Pour egg into the yam strips

4, Heat up oil, fry the onion and pour the yam egg mix into the pot to fry. Flatten the mix to allow for even cooking .

5, When the base has set turn the mix on the other side to fry , cover the pot for while to help cook the yam. This takes about 4 minutes

6. Serve with Pepper sauce.

yam strips

ingredients for yam strips

fried yam strips omelette

yam strips omelette with pepper sauce

yam strips omelette

Nigerian yam strips with pepper sauce

pepper sauce for yam 

About the author



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