Corn Recipes

Fresh Corn in Yaji Sauce

It was a rainy weekend in Lagos, and what a better time to relish hot corn cob in your hand. I don’t know what it is with hot corn and the rains.
I was not going to settle for the usual boiled or roast corn and  local pear which by the way made its first appearance this weekend in Lagos 🙂 I was for a moment wondering if pear was now extinct.
On my last visit to Dubai I had enjoyed this very tasty snack called “Corn in Cup”. So my romance with corn this weekend was similar to this very exciting snack.
I bought  freshly cut corn from the sellers in my neighborhood and so my Spicy Fresh Corn was ready in 45 minutes which is about the time it takes to get the boiled corn ready.

raw unpeeled corn
I sat in front of the telly caressing the warm bowl of corn in my hands , the rain drumming hard on the roof, I enjoyed the corn, drank up the tasty liquid and my day was made. My idea of comfort food.

Nutri tip: Corn is high in fiber. In fact, it’s notoriously hard to digest. But its insoluble fiber is great at tackling constipation.

Recipe( Serves 4)
4 cobs of Fresh corn
1teaspoon Suya powder( Yaji)
Chicken seasoning to taste
1teaspoon dry pepper( optional)
1tablespoon butter
Water( enough to make soup)

1, Boil corn in the skin until cooked. This way you seal in the sweetness of the fresh corn
2, Peel corn when cooked and sliced the kernels off the cob using a knife

peeled corn
3, Pour corn into a pot add a little water, enough to give each person 1 cooking spoon of liquid in the bowl of corn.
4, Allow corn to boil for about 3 minutes, add the seasoning, Yaji, pepper and butter and continue to stir to give a slightly thick consistency

butter and yaji pepper
5 Serve hot with a little sprinkle of Yaji .

Cooking Tip: Freshly cut corn is recommended for this dish, because of its sweetness.  It’s best to serve this dish hot right after cooking. Fresh Corn has a way of hardening when left  cold.

boiled corn in yaaji sauce

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