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How to make Egg Stew

In Nigeria, Egg Stew and yam at breakfast on weekends happens to be a common option. The fast paced life during the week seems not to afford people time to make anything complex like Egg Stew.

I did an audit of recipes on the blog and discovered that the egg stew was missing. What was I thinking I asked myself, missing out a signature Nigerian recipe on my blog is unforgivable? Anyway I have it now.

This is a very simple dish to prepare but again it can be made even more interesting when the vegetables are not over fried and you add some herbs and spices of choice. You may even want to add some fish or minced meat.

Egg stew pairs well with boiled or fried yam, fried plantain or even bread.

The quantity of oil used generally will depend on what you want to pair the egg stew with. If it’s something like yam you may want to use a little bit more oil so you can have an interesting dip for the yam.

For you next egg stew feel free to experiment with new flavors and protein.

Enjoy the Life!


Recipe for Egg Stew 


3 Eggs

4 pieces Tomato

2-3 pieces Scotch Bonnet

1/2 medium size Onion

1/2 small Green Pepper

3 cooking spoons vegetable Oil

Few leaves fresh Rosemary

Chicken seasoning to taste

Salt to taste



  1. Chop the tomato, peppers and onion into cubes and set aside
  2. Heat the oil.
  3. Beat the eggs and add a pinch of salt, chopped green peppers and mix well
  4. Fry the onion, scotch bonnet pepper and rosemary for about 1 minute and add the tomatoes and fry for about 3 minutes.
  5. Pour in the beaten egg and green pepper. Allow the egg to start to set around the edge of the frying pan and gradually lift and turn the runny parts to cook well for about 2-3 minutes
  6. Serve with fried or boiled yam, fried ripe plantains or bread.

Egg Stew

Egg Stew

 Egg Stew

Egg Stew


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